Posted in Poems

Dec 15: In the name of peace…


A people free to choose will always choose peace. – Ronald Reagan

You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you. – Isaiah 26:3

In the name of peace… there is war.
Countries fight for freedom.
Wars to protect religious beliefs.
All in the name of peace.

On my day off, I don’t read the newspaper.
I try to take a break from morbid news.
It overwhelms me what happens in the name of peace.
My mind already tells me nothing can be done.

A friend told me I have a negative attitude.
That I cannot see that the glass is half full.
I agree with my friend, I see the glass half empty.
I cannot visualize a world without war.

This conflict like a tug-of-war.
Atrocities done in the name of peace.
A country at war has lost its humanity.
Hunger and persecution a reason to fight.

I don’t have the courage to stand up and shout,
In the name of peace… hug your neighbour.
Or give a helping hand to another in need.
In the name of peace… my voice is silent.

Please continue to share with friends, for the World needs our prayers.
Peace be with you. Amen.

By C.E. Pereira